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Work with me

ATTENTION: Passionate and confused foodies who want to discover the ULTIMATE way to go TURBO CHARGE YOUR HEALTH now in a way that works specifically FOR YOU!


I will personally share with you my most potent secrets for helping you go and stay successfully healthier so that you can get excited about being good to yourself like never before, create a gorgeous easy and fast food diet that isn’t full of junk that you will love in every way, achieve all your  food goals effortlessly and easily, and set yourself free from the kitchen and health confusion so that you can pursue and live the life that you want!”





Dear Friend,

  • Are you fed up of falling on and off the diet food wagon?

  • Are you ready to find out what really works best for YOU, away from the hype, rules and well-meaning intentions from the rest of the world and its influences?

  • Are you ready to make this year THE year that you figure out exactly how to go and stay successfully healthier in a way that’s perfect for YOU?

If you are ready to go and stay true to yourself, and to learn from a coach the secrets, strategies and organising tips for healthier lifestyle success and genuine dietary bliss (that no-one else is talking about and some industries DON’T WANT YOU TO KNOW ABOUT EITHER,then you’re in exactly the right place!











                                Hi, I’m Debbie Osborne from TURBO CHARGE YOUR HEALTH and I’ve been learning and talking to people about the healthier food diet and how to do it to people of every age, background and dietary history and from every corner of the globe.



After being diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010 .That same night I came across the documentary “ A World without Cancer” I KNEW  that to literally save my life I had to make some pretty drastic changes to a very unhealthy lifestyle. In fact, since then I have become a certified and qualified as a Nutritional Therapist and I have also been a Juice Therapist since 2012. And a raw food teacher, sharing knowledge with friends that wanted to know more. But never took it any further until now. I have studied literally thousands of hours on the effects of diet and lifestyle on the body, what’s good, what’s bad and why. Plus how to go about it in a way that is joyful, expansive and delicious. I've read hundreds of books, watch countless documentaries on the worlds food and drug industries and have was told by practically everyone that I have several life time’s worth of knowledge  and that I should get on and share it with people!



So what it really all comes down to at the end of the day is having a bigger vision for your life, the commitment to your own growth and evolution, finding the best all-round diet for you and having the vital ongoing support to guide and teach you and keep you on track to doing what works. AND THIS IS WHAT I WANT TO DO FOR YOU!




It sounds simple really, but very few people actually take the time to sit down and map out what that looks like, or they simply don’t know where to start or how to move things forward. It can all look very daunting and the whole thing can get your head spinning!


The good news for you is that I’ve been learning this information for so long that I can practically do it in my sleep, and I know that when I share with you my step-by-step system for creating a HEALTHIER diet and lifestyle that works for YOU, then you’ll be experiencing levels of peace, pleasure, energy and success in your life that you’ve only ever dreamed about.



Are you ready to find out more?

Whether you are brand new to healthy eating or have been eating this way for years, the exact same “rules” apply and this system will work for absolutely anyone.

But before we get into exactly what this system is, please take a moment now to answer YES or NO to the following questions to see exactly where you’re at with your current food diet and lifestyle today:

  • I love about the way I am currently eating

  • I eat the amount of  healthy food that I want to eat

  • I am not taking any medication for any on going aliments

  • I do not have any allergies

  • My diet delivers the results I am looking for

  • I have all the energy I need, and more

  • I feel great in my body and carry no excess weight

  • I love everything that I eat, it’s all delicious

  • I have a wide variety of delicious quick easy food recipes from which to choose

  • I never get bored with my food

  • I eat a diversity of raw and healthy foods and feel confident that my nutritional needs are being taken care of

  • I consistently take the time to find and experiment with new foods to keep things interesting

  • I know all about the different  food groups and have tried foods from all of them

  • I have the right tools and equipment in my kitchen

  • My kitchen is clean, tidy and organised and I have systems in place to make sure it stays that way

  • I have a  food and lifestyle routine that I follow every day to ensure I get the key foods in that I want and need to

  • I have a  routine that I follow every week that enables me to have to hand the kinds of foods I really want

  • I have “zones” in my kitchen to make my food prep super quick and easy

  • My fridge and cupboards always have the right foods in them, and nothing goes to waste

  • I know how to plan gorgeous healthy food menus for my day-to-day life

  • I know how to create a menu to impress and inspire for special occasions

  • I know exactly what to pack and how to eat well when travelling, staying away from home and eating out

  • I know how to introduce heathier food simply and successfully to my children

  • I have much bigger dreams for my diet, my life and my health than where I’m at today

  • I spend quality time with myself,nuturing my mind and my soul.

  • I use as many non toxic products on myself,my family and pets

  • I am rarely sick and if I am I recover quickly without having to use drugs

  • I get out of bed feeling amazing and ready for the day

  • I fall asleep easily and feel well rested the next morning


All done? When you are, please count up the number of YES and NO answers. Your total should add up to 29.


Now take a look at your score. How do you feel about it? Your gut response to what you discovered should tell you all you need to know about whether this program is something that you need right now.


Why take the time to focus on getting your diet and lifestyle to be the perfect fit?

In our busy day-to-day lives it’s all too easy to say “manana, manana” or where I am “next month next month” when it comes to addressing our diet. The fact is, if you’re not eating the way that you want to eat, then sooner or later your diet is going to start addressing you! Knowing that you are eating badly and at the back of your mind wishing that you were not. But had NO idea how to change.


It’s so much more fun and so much more rewarding to proactively choose what you place in your fridge, larder and mouth every day than to allow life or circumstances dictate it for you. When you’re eating on your terms and have the body, energy and health that you desire because of it, the world is a much happier and more beautful place. You feel like you’re in the centre of your Universe experiencing the body and life that you want to have with a sense of power, passion and purpose, rather than floating around aimlessly within it!


So Just What Is Your Current Diet Costing You?

Is it costing you your life?


Well after discovering I had breast cancer and that 95% OF ALL CANCERS are caused by environmental factors “What is not eating healthy to the degree that I want truly costing me?” IT ALMOST COST ME MY LIFE! Not to mention my boobs!

After a bit of research (Ok, I actually spent months and months and months and became completely obsessed researching this) I discovered that I really had created the environment for cancer to thrive. It was a complete and utter eye-opener. But to be honest I knew in the back of my mind and heart that I had created this mess!


 It also culminated in the realisation that it was actually costing me my biggest, boldest dreams and my health in a very serious way Yes, really!

Everything looked very different after that, I can tell you. I KNEW that I had to take full responsibility for my health and my well-being.



I encourage you to make a list for yourself, right now, asking yourself what your current diet is costing you physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, financially, socially, environmentally and also how it’s affecting your relationships and overall vision for yourself and your life – THEN see what price you are paying for not eating the way you want to eat or not being organised enough to make it easy, simple and fun. When you have that information for yourself it’s so much easier to see how invaluable cracking your diet once and for all really is and what a massive difference it will make to you and your life when you do.

Via the TURBO CHARGE YOUR HEALTH programs, I’ve literally done ALL of the thinking for you and what I’ve put together is the most joyful, exciting, comprehensive yet streamlined approach to  kitchen and lifestyle  that I have ever seen , to get you healthier, more aware of what you are putting into your body and HAVE FUN DOING IT!

And yes, I did find it fun… it was a life changer in the biggest way possible, but I wasn’t going to hand over responsibility for changing my health.


Yes, well, the long and the short of it is, I have a SYSTEM, and what you’ll especially love about it, I’m sure, is that it starts with the VISION and works with YOUR unique circumstances and desires, so it’s entirely personalised to you, is 100% built upon what YOU want and what fires YOU up, and it’s ready and waiting for you right here.



These are some of the methods that I have used successfully myself in a multitude of different ways to help treat my cancer. Your health issue may not be so much in need a drastic change. As a result I KNOW that these steps will work for ANYONE in ANY SITUATION, including YOU to improve and boost your health skywards!


If you choose to work with me as your Successfully TURBO CHARGE YOUR HEALTH teacher, mentor and coach  you can relax in the knowing that no matter what type of organising tricks you may or may not have tried before, this is actually going to work! By investing just a few short hours of your time, in a focussed yet really fun way, you will literally float away from our time together with:


  • A compelling, “I am out of this world” vision for yourself, your body, and your life (This will form the foundations for the work we do together so that every choice you make is aligned with your exciting vision – how cool is that?!) It’s all very well being told what to do. But you gotta know why and you gotta WANNA DO IT!

  • A set of  planners, handouts, visualisation audios, to help stop that little voice in your head that tell you that you can’t. YOU CAN!

  • An exciting and delicious collection of QUICK EASY AND DELICIOUS food recipes that work for YOU every single day as well as those that you’ll use for any special occasions you care to mention

  • A kitchen that is so clean, organised and packed with immune boosting nourishing ingredients that you won’t believe how much energy, time and money you save because of it and cupboards full of gorgeous delicious GUILT FREE goodies.

  • And your secret stash! Own up! I KNOW you have your stashs hidden away! The hidden goodies!  Hey come on we all one!  I use to hide the doughnuts behind the plate and bowls that were only used when we had friends round and my ex had no idea what I would go and stuff my face when I just popped into the kitchen! Hey I've been where you are. Now these super stashes are GOOD for you. These will be sooo different to the crap you were hiding before,– your very own set of “Super Stashes” – those secret stashes of GORGEOUS goodies that you keep on hand for emergencies, when you travel, eat out socially, want to comfort eat or celebrate – all while staying true to your healthy goals, and loving it! Not full of chemical nasties ,added sugars and other additives!


And as fabulous as all of this truly is, this really is just the tip of the iceberg.




I am totally committed to delivering what will be not only a totally unique and life-changing program, but most importantly something that WORKS.

 The FABULOUS TURBO CHARGE YOUR HEALTH programs are for you if:

  • You are new to HEALTHY food and want to get it right from the start

  • You’re not so new but realise that you’re not eating as much if any healthy foods as you want, and are frustrated, upset or negatively affected by that

  • You’ve been into trying for a long time and are excited at the opportunity to re-create your life anew.

  • You want and need someone that is not going to try and sabotage your efforts but will support you every step of the way.


You’ll be learning lots in order to create a 100% personalised  Food and Lifestyle Plan that REALLY WORKS and that you can start implementing and benefiting from immediately. Getting clear about who you are what you really want and getting set-up to support that has never been so much fun (or so rewarding and delicious!).


Just imagine knowing exactly what you are doing and why, and never having to worry about having the right food in the fridge or being bored by your lack of options ever again…


Here’s your opportunity to work with me personally for a very affordable investment and learn the very best of what I have to offer so that you don’t have to struggle or feel frustrated any more.








TURBO CHARGE YOUR HEALTH programs are filled with Assignments, audios and planners (PDF documents) work books, recipe books, journals, fill-in-the-blank documents will be uploaded to the password protected page so that you can download them the night before. These workbooks are loaded with invaluable information and your assignments for the day or week.  My aim is to keep this as easy, simple and fun for you as possible, so I’ll do that wherever I can, but you’ll need to complete  questions and assignments as well if you are truly committed to getting the most out of the program and your LIFESTYLE . You’ll be working through these workbooks to the calls so I can talk you through them.

You will get GORGEOUS food recipes, resources and checklists that support and supplement what you learn along the way.. Throughout the program you’ll be given master copies of all the beautifully designed worksheets, menu plans, shopping lists and more so that you have everything looking as good as you feel! And of course, once the program is over you’ll have these master documents to print and work with as many times as you like, for the rest of your life! Remember this is not about cookie cutter eating,( excuse the pun) but about knowing why you are making these food choices.It's about giving you the tools to build on and last you a lifetime!


And if that wasn’t already enough, here’s the bit I know you’re really going to love…


  • How and why to make smart food choices

  • Learn stress reducing tips to find a sense of well being

  • Learn what vitamins and minerals to include into your diet

  • Incorporate exercise into your routine

  • Learn how sugar and inflammation are wreaking havoc on your health

  • Learn how a positive outlook can dramatically improve your well-being.



Remember that these programs are not about a quick fix... no very low calorie counting, no point counting. It's about eating REAL FOOD, packed with NUTRIENTS that taste sooooo yummy!




  • You’ll get clear on your BIG WHY, the thunder bolt “so-compelling-I-just gotta do this NOW!” reason why you want to have your health SKY ROCKET out of this world  RIGHT NOW. Reasons change, so if you’ve lost your  mojo or sparkle in the past, chances are it’s because you’ve outgrown or never owned your BIG WHY. Together we’ll create the juiciest one you’ve EVER had, the one that will launch you into this program with joy, excitement and a passion so big that you’ll have no doubts in your mind that you’re on the right track – get excited! And sparkle like the STAR you ARE!



What food Food Should YOU Be Eating?”

This is where it’s not that hard. But we all fall for the “naughty but nice” trick don’t we?

I’ll show you how much easier it to be proud to eat healthier. That it’s not about calories, point counting, red days, green days round the twist days. This is about feeding your mind body and soul nourishing food. Knowing that what you have on your plate and put in your mouth is good for you and knowing why.

Bathing your body’s cells in nutrient rich foods that will love and fuel your body the right way.

Imagine having this level of clarity about what’s right for you at this moment in time, and what peace it will bring. The recipes that are included can be switched around. It’s about having a selection of great tasting EASY, quick to do for you and your family; it will instantly obliterate any current confusion, frustration or guilt in one fell swoop! And of course, once you know what’s right for you, everything else can revolve around it – how’s that for easy?



Now that you know what you want and are starting to align with your compelling new vision for yourself and your life, in week two, we’re going to get you set up for success with a little bit of education on some great SELF CARE!

Foundations that will support you from the outset. With these in place you can go forward confidently knowing that everything is in place and organised ready for the THE REST OF YOUR LIFE!



Ready to Turbo Charge Your  World ?





If you’ve reached the point where you’re ready for a health and food revolution, in your home, your diet and your life, this is THE PLACE to start that will enable you to make those all-important shifts that will change everything!


Remember, this is not your average organising or diet planning programs – by FAR!


This is about creating a launch pad to give you the foundation for an out of this world life, and making changes that excite you into life rather than push you into a box! That’s why we start with the most compelling vision you can possibly imagine to get you super-excited about upgrading your diet and feeling on top of the world about every aspect of what you eat and why.

Whatever your considerations, these programs are fluid enough to address them all. You just need to show up willing and excited to take your diet and yourself to a new and ecstatic place and the program will guide you the rest of the way.

It really is the place to be if you’re committed to exploring where your diet and clarity can take you…


  • Goals and a vision that excites you beyond measure

  • Established supporting boundaries around what you will and won’t eat in different situations so you are clear in yourself and can relax accordingly

  • A way of eating that is a perfect fit for YOU, your circumstances and your lifestyle and gets you to your vision

  • A set of menu plans to work for different seasons, circumstances and experiences

  • A totally detoxed and re-organised mind-set that you love to be in and that fully supports your vision



Just imagine what you can achieve in an environment as focused, inspiring and “all taken care of” as this!

Come on and join me, I promise you’ll be raving about it FOREVER!

Disclaimer: These programs are designed to guide and support you on your health journey. Any nutritional guidelines or recipes given are for informational purposes only and are not to replace advice given by your qualified medical or alternative practitioner. In participating in these programs you understand that your choices in ALL areas are ultimately your responsibility.



In this 8 session on line personalised package we will work together to find out YOUR required dietary nutrients along identifying your top nutrient adversaries (things that working against your health and diet)

I will put together your personal shopping list and also monitor your food and symptoms with your own gorgeous journal, shopping list, recipes, and meal planners.






We will access your improvements weekly and see where your strengths and what obstacles you find along the way.

This will help you to build a personal nutritional plan to help minimise and elevate any health problems.


In this program you will receive

  • Diet Planning Workbook™:

Everything discovered all in one place.

  • Required Nutrients Identifier;

Find out what nutrients YOU need. Discover your top 22 vitamins and minerals that you need now

  • Required Foods Identifier;

Find out what foods will give YOU the highest levels of the nutrients, the vitamins and minerals that you require.

  • Adversaries Identifier;

Find out what your “Villains” are. The things that you do that are not helping you absorb. The “adversaries” that hinder the absorption or utilisation of your required nutrients.

  • Promoters Identifier;

These are the things that will be your “Hero’s”. The things that you do that will promote better health. The “promoters” that support the absorption and bioavailability of your required nutrients.

  • My Top Foods Shopping List;

Get your personal shopping list. This list will be personal to your nutritional requirements. Know what and your big WHY. To what you drop into your trolley.

  • Antioxidant Assessment;

Discover the antioxidants that will TURBO CHARGE YOUR HEALTH.

  • My Antioxidants Shopping List;

Know what to look for and why it will help YOU.

  • My Food and Symptom Journal; and Symptom Reassessment.

Learn to listen to your body. Day by day see how you feel and discover just what a good healthy body feels like.

  • Nutritional advice for any personal health conditions. Top tips for helping to elevate symptoms of common health conditions.

  • Handouts given to you full of top tips and hints covering numerous topics on health and well-being.

  • Visualisation audios to give you support in between sessions. Use these during and after your program to keep you on track.

  • Menu Planners

Plan it so you mean it.

  • Recipe Books.

Packed with fabulous recipes that are easy to make.

Taste great and the whole family will love.

  • A Beautiful selection of delicious easy and fast recipes that will have you and your family amazed at what great healthy food looks and tastes like. Easy to adapt to your shopping lists.

  • Sensational Smoothie and Juicing Recipe Book

  • You will taste nothing as gorgeous as your own fresh filling and delicious drinks.

  • 17 day Clean Eating Program.

  • Use this 17 day clean eating plan to get you started. It will take you through a pre cleanse. A tasty clean eating detox and an after tox protocol. So you’ll never be stuck as to what to do next.

  • 12 Months access to your membership site.

  • All downloads are yours to keep forever.

  • 8 sessions in total.

  • Recordings of all sessions so you can listen again at what we discuss.

  • E-mail support for 3 months during the program.

  • Additional savings on Turbo Charge Your Health Supplements.

  • Additional savings on additional program monitoring sessions of 50%.


All done on line so it doesn’t matter what time zone you live in or where you are in the world.









You can get better health NOW!




“Personal Strategy Session”


Length: 1 hour Format: Skype | In Person | Phone


Personal Strategy Questionnaire discussion Goal setting

Clinic Toolkit™ account set-up

Client Health Check Questionnaire

Client Consent Form Client

Homework: Food Journal




“Antioxidant Assessment Session”


Length: 1 hour Format: Skype | In Person | Phone


Discuss the completed Food Journal entries and your current diet

Carry out a short Clinic Toolkit™ assessment (e.g. Antioxidant Assessment)

Have an in-depth conversation about your assessment scores, Antioxidant Capacity results, and the recommendations for your scores

Talk about the assessment questions that received an undesirable score 

Go over the Antioxidant Assessment Action Steps form with you

Brainstorm and write down the specific action steps for the next few days until our next session together (useing the Antioxidant Assessment Action Steps form)

Client Homework: Track achievement of the Antioxidant Assessment Action






“Nutritional Deficiencies Assessment Session” Length: 1 hour Format: Skype | In Person | Phone


Provide feedback on Food Journal entries

Go over your previously completed Antioxidant Assessment Action Steps and ask: which progress has been made since the last session, which actions steps did you successfully implement, how hard or easy was it, which ones need work, why, which actions should you continue working on, which new actions could you take until their next session

Review, discuss and complete the Antioxidant Assessment Action Steps Review and New Actions Carry out a longer Clinic Toolkit™ assessment (e.g. Nutritional Deficiencies Assessment)

Discuss assessment scores and results

Talk about the assessment questions that received an undesirable score

List the specific symptoms checked by you and ask/learn more about them

Have an in-depth discussion about such symptoms: how regularly do you experience each symptom, since when, how does it affect you normal life, what lifestyle or dietary choices do you believe could be correlated to such symptoms, what do you suspect could be triggering them, and why

Client Homework: Implement Antioxidant Assessment’s new action steps. Food Journal with emphasis on noting undesirable symptoms and any potential correlation with food/drink entries 





“Diet Planning Session” Length: 1 hour Format: Skype | In Person | Phone


Provide detailed feedback on Food Journal entries Inquire about any potential correlation between undesirable symptoms and food/drink entries

Follow up on, review and discuss your Antioxidant Assessment Action Steps Review and New Actions: which progress has been made since the last session, which actions still need work, and why

Present your personalised diet plan

Go over your required nutrients

Explain each of your top foods and their health benefits

Discuss the adversaries list and provide alternative food options 

Discuss the promoters list and their importance

Discuss your preferred food choices and meal preferences

Brainstorm food preparation ideas Take all of that into account to further develop and fine-tune your  "My Top Foods Shopping List and My Antioxidants Shopping List"

Client Homework: Ask you to plan for their next groceries shopping and to look for ways to incorporate your Top Foods and Antioxidants in the diet





“Food Preparation Session” Length: 1 hour Format: Skype | In Person | Phone  


Provide detailed feedback on your recent groceries shopping: what was missing, why, what could be added, which other options can be included, and how Inquire about their incorporation of new foods: how easy (or how hard) was it to add them in their diet, and why Inquire about their avoidance of adversaries: how easy (or how hard) was it to avoid them, and why

Discuss food preparation tips implemented: what worked, how, what didn’t work, and why

Brainstorm alternative food options, food combinations, personal taste, personal preferences, preparation methods, necessary kitchen utensils or cookware

List any necessary kitchen utensils or cookware that  should look for or purchase

Talk about the different food types (e.g. fresh vs frozen) which can be part of their next groceries shopping

Brainstorm about new/alternative meal options and food preparation ideas

Client Homework: Try 2 new recipes this week and report back





“Plan Adherence Session” Length: 1 hour Format: Skype | In Person | Phone


Provide detailed feedback on Food Journal entries and food preparation

Celebrate any achievements since the last session

Follow up on  avoidance of adversaries: how much easier it was not to buy them and to avoid them this time

Discuss your most recent groceries shopping, the inclusion of different food types (e.g. fresh vs frozen), taste and preferences Inquire about your trial of new recipes and additional ingredients

Brainstorm about a couple of new meal options and food preparation ideas

Follow up on, review and discuss your Antioxidant Assessment Action Steps Review and New Actions: which progress has been made since the last time, which actions still need work, and why

Have an in-depth conversation about your symptoms and any improvements noticed

Client Homework: Food Journal with emphasis on noting symptom improvements





“Compounding Factors Session” Length: 1 hour Format: Skype | In Person | Phone


Provide detailed feedback on Food Journal entries, groceries shopping, and food preparation

Celebrate any achievements since the last session: what went well, how much easier it is getting to follow your plan

Discuss any obstacles and identify struggles Inquire about any remaining symptoms and if there could be any correlation with food/drink choices and other compounding factors such as sleep, work, schedule, stress levels, social life, physical activity, hydration

Brainstorm about possible adjustments to their plan as well as other compounding factors such as sleep, work, schedule, stress levels, social life, physical activity, hydration

Client Homework: Food Journal with emphasis on compounding lifestyle factors





“Symptom Reassessment Session” Length: 1 hour Format: Skype | In Person | Phone  


Provide detailed feedback on Food Journal entries

Discuss any progress on food/drink choices and other compounding factors such as sleep, work, schedule, stress levels, social life, physical activity, hydration

Use the Symptom Reassessment form to detail every symptom that you highlighted in your various assessments and discussions with me

Go over each symptom with you and ask you to rate their improvement (your improvement should be quite noticeable by now, probably even in the way you look and behave!)

Recap on where you started your journey versus where you are now

Celebrate everything you have accomplished over the past 8 weeks: what went well, why, how much easier it is to follow your plan, how your new healthier behaviours and shopping habits feel like an effortless part of your daily routine

Talk about any progress made throughout the program that needs to be maintained

Draw out new health goals: what would you love to achieve next

Client Homework: Celebrate!



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